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Major-Hirst-Str. 11
38442 Wolfsburg
Arrival by car:
1. Take the A39 to exit Wolfsburg (23).
2. Leave in the direction of Autostadt.
3. On Heinrich-Nordhoff-Str. at the first traffic light
turn left onto Major-Hirst-Str.
4. Follow the road to the roundabout at Forum Autovision.
There are sufficient parking spaces available in the parking garage.
Arrival by train:
1. Arrive at Wolfsburg main station.
2. From there continue by bus (timetable information: www.wvg.de) or taxi to Forum Autovision.
Arrival by plane:
1. Arrive at Berlin or Hannover airport.
2. From there, takte the train to Wolfsburg main station.
3. Continue by bus (timetable information: www.wvg.de) or taxi to Forum Autovision.
Do you have any questions or would you like a personal meeting?
Contact us. We would be pleased to advise you.